Gestion des opérations

corporate skyscrapers

Fortifying Corporate Security: Workforce Management Systems for the Modern Enterprise

Businesses now grapple with protecting their property, people, and data amidst an array of threats. This can get pretty tricky because of how big and complex operations and processes are these days, especially for multi-national organizations. But, with the best security workforce management system in place, companies can not only handle these challenges but also use them as chances to grow.

Fortifying Corporate Security: Workforce Management Systems for the Modern Enterprise Lire la suite

Système de suivi des gardes

Qu'est-ce qu'un système de suivi des agents de sécurité ?

The job of a security guard is more than just navigating checkpoints as they perform their tours or post orders. More is required of our front-line security teams — more than paper-based methods can cover.   Supervisors must monitor remote teams on-the-go while also managing the back-end of your operations. Tools that offer GPS tracking capabilities

Qu'est-ce qu'un système de suivi des agents de sécurité ? Lire la suite

Médecins et infirmières poussant un brancard

4 façons dont la sécurité peut réduire la violence sur le lieu de travail dans le secteur de la santé

As the effects of the pandemic continue to ebb and flow throughout the world, healthcare workers and others on the front-line are still being exposed to all kinds of stresses and challenges. None more so than workplace violence. With the increase of hospitalizations throughout our communities, the more likely serious security threats will impact patients

4 façons dont la sécurité peut réduire la violence sur le lieu de travail dans le secteur de la santé Lire la suite

homme d'affaires avec une main tendue

Qu'est-ce que l'ESRM et pourquoi est-il important pour les opérations de sécurité ?

What is Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM)? ESRM approaches risk management in a manner that aligns security practices directly to a company’s overall mission and specific goals. ESRM principles can be applied to any area of security and task that is performed by security, including physical security and the convergence of cybersecurity. When applying risk

Qu'est-ce que l'ESRM et pourquoi est-il important pour les opérations de sécurité ? Lire la suite

Capture d'écran de Applicant Tracking Security

Amélioration du suivi et de l'intégration des candidats : Ce que cela signifie pour la sécurité physique

Take this into consideration; you have an open post to fill but not enough security officers to fill it. It may be time to post a job ad online and start that hiring process. Yet, what are the best ways to do so? How are companies like yours sourcing and retaining new talent? With a

Amélioration du suivi et de l'intégration des candidats : Ce que cela signifie pour la sécurité physique Lire la suite

tableau de bord trackforce tout en un

Connecter les données, les communications et les rapports en une seule solution

Real-time data and analytics are crucial indicators to the health of a security company’s overall operations. Real-time data and analytics have not only provided immediate insights onto guard activity and incident status, but have aided in centralizing security initiatives in the new normal. The data harnessed by guards on the field can easily be visualized

Connecter les données, les communications et les rapports en une seule solution Lire la suite

Clavier de déverrouillage du téléphone

Quels sont les avantages de l'utilisation de modèles de rapports configurables pour vos opérations ?

What Configurable Reporting Means for Corporate Security Management When data is gathered and reported in real-time, corporate security management is able to take action as reporting occurs, often with operational visibility that could allow for a proactive response against critical incidents or emergencies. Proactive operational management is what real-time reporting provides. Accurately collecting and analyzing incident reporting

Quels sont les avantages de l'utilisation de modèles de rapports configurables pour vos opérations ? Lire la suite

homme montrant un graphique

Comment les modèles de rapport configurables normalisent le processus de rapport d'incident des agents de sécurité

What is a Configurable Security Guard Incident Report? A configurable security guard incident report gives security companies the freedom to adapt reports to their business needs. This means that with a template, a security company can adjust form fields to fit their business SOPs, contract requirements, and other regulations. The biggest benefit to having configurable reporting

Comment les modèles de rapport configurables normalisent le processus de rapport d'incident des agents de sécurité Lire la suite